Narayana Murthy quotes and thoughts about life

narayana murthy quotes and thoughts about life

Narayana Murthy an inspiring personality and businessman from India. It is tough to find rich people like him who lead a simple life serving the public. Narayana Murthy's quotes and thoughts about life have a powerful meaning.

Quotes and thoughts by Narayana Murthy.

Courage and luck are the two attributes required for succeeding as an entrepreneur.

The goal of everyone should be to create a better society for our future inhabitants.

Success is the addition of character and chance.

Overpromising and underdelivering are not better. Underpromising and overdelivering are better.

Leadership is about doing the right thing, even if the decisions go against critics and mediocre people.

The real power of money is not in keeping it. It is in giving it away.

The greatest hindrance to advancement is not in the outside world. It is in our minds.

Performance leads to recognition which brings respect. Respect enhances power. The quality of being humble and grace in one's moments of power improve the dignity of an organization.

A person must know when to give up an idea. It is necessary to learn quickly from his mistakes and notice the signs of failure as early as possible. It is very important not to be attached too much to the idea.

The strength of the human mind is the only ingredient for innovation. The company will have a play as long as it can attract, enable, empower and retain the best of the brightest. As long as the companies ensure that the physically and mentally exhausted mind that leaves the office at 7 pm - 8 pm or 9 pm returns mentally and physically re-energized and motivated to add significant value to the client the next day.

Where an individual starts is not so important. How and what he learns is more important. He can find himself in a previously impossible place if the quality of learning is good, and the development gradient is steep.

Youth is a tool for ending poverty and ushering in prosperity.

Working ethically and wholeheartedly in our chosen sector is patriotism.

When the time comes for us to give back, we need to create gardens that we may never eat the fruit of but benefits our future generations.

The gap between mind and mindset is equivalent to progress.

Every evening, our assets step out of the door. We must ensure that they will return the next day morning.

In the presence of a great leader, people can grow an inch taller.

When individuals get rich, they cut themselves off from the context that has earned them these riches. They lose sight of the fact that they are part of society.

For knowledge-based businesses, investing in training is critical.

Sometimes the good valuable advice comes from the most unlikely places, and chance events can open new possibilities.

To finish first, a person must learn to finish the race first.

Life tip

In life, growth and change are painful. But staying stuck where an individual does not belong is more painful than them.

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