Life: Different types and kinds of motivation

different types and kinds of motivation in life

Every human being on the earth needs a push in some way. There are many ways to get the inspiration feeling by watching movies and videos, working, experiences, following the achievers, facing failures, exploring, looking at others, and the rewards. It is impossible to overcome and conquer our issues without motive or push. The importance of motivation is it acts as fuel, gives goals to strive for, helps to be creative, develops talents, develops competencies, grows interests, boosts engagement, helps and assists in solving problems, and allows to breaking old habits. It is the best daily recommendation. We have discussed the different types and kinds of motivation in our life.

There are two different types and kinds of motivation.

Extrinsic motivation.

The name itself suggests the meaning. External factors act as the driving factor in an individual.

It is a concept that applies whenever an activity is done to achieve a distinct goal or separable outcome. It refers to performing something for the sake of receiving external benefits. The benefits can include monetary gain, prizes, and advantages in personal or professional life.

Intrinsic motivation.

The name itself suggests the meaning. Internal factors act as the driving factor in an individual.

It refers to engaging in an activity for its own sake and satisfaction rather than for a tangential benefit. The person acts because of the fun or challenge it entails rather than by external items, pressures, or incentives. It is when a guy does something because it makes him feel good from the inside.

We will give an example to make things clear.

Those who feel like doing the work by looking at the cash prizes or rewards they receive after working will not make it far in their life. The inducement here is not coming from the heart or the brain. It is the money that motivates an individual to accomplish that work. The person might not have been motivated if there was no remuneration.

Those who want to learn or achieve anything irrespective of the rewards will become legends.

A cinema actor or actress works hard in the gym to obtain six packs. They are getting paid to showcase their body in the movie. Money is pushing an actor or actress to work harder in the gym. But when a regular guy goes, he needs some inspiration daily to put some effort, else he will feel like giving up after doing the workout for a few days. That is why most people will give up going to the gym within a few days. It is rare to find a person who goes to the fitness center to be healthy.

The real motive should be in learning, in achieving something. Money comes and goes. However, the knowledge gained and achievements done stay even after death. This type of motive makes us unstoppable.

Life tip

One should get a motivational push daily, if not at least once in two days. It is an important life skill. It does not matter whether it is extrinsic or intrinsic.

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