How to get rid of bad habits and practices in your life?

how to get rid of bad habits and practices in your life

Our routines are critical, and most of them are automatic. Things that give satisfying consequences are likely to be repeated until they become automatic. We feel like doing negative things every day. Also, we find it very hard to break free from them. We do not want to interrupt them from our existence even though we know that they are not serving us. Why? As we have already mentioned in our previous topics, we are human beings who always move toward negativity. If you try to cultivate good routines without quitting the negative ones, it does not fetch you any positive results. So get rid of all the unhealthy habits in your life. In this post, we have discussed how to get rid of bad habits and practices.

How to get rid of bad habits and practices?

Following are the ways to get rid of unhealthy habits in your life.

1. Accept them.
Learn to accept your mistakes. If you want to correct them, you have to admit them first. Admitting yourself means that you are aware of them.

2. Stop thinking about them.
Thinking leads to action. So, never think of harmful routines. Slowly you will move away and will not feel like doing them again after a few days.

Occupy your day full of tasks. Commit yourself fully to work. When you are busy with your work, you will not have time to think about negative things.

3. Change your surroundings and environment.
Stay far from the environment that supports or makes you carry out harmful practices.

Avoid or stay far from the people who are damaging. You cannot avoid your friends entirely. At least try to avoid them when they are engaging themselves in any harmful practices like smoking, alcohol or drug consumption, etc.,

4. Find an alternate for your bad habit.
If you cannot quit them, replace them with better ones.
If you find it tough to quit the consumption of alcohol, try to replace the hot drinks with soft liquids. Just have soft drinks, coffee, tea, or fruit juice whenever you want to have alcohol.

5. Replace one bad habit at a time.
You might feel empowered by replacing your unhealthy regimes altogether. But it is not the case because rushing will never fetch you good results. So start small. Go slowly. Substitute one after the other. Go for the second only when you have successfully given up the first.

6. Follow the three R's method.
Before taking up the below three R's methods, you must fulfill the first one by accepting your mistakes.
Reminder -> Keep reminding yourself about giving up your poor activities.
Routine -> Practice regularly to stay away from your poor activities.
Reward -> Reward yourself regularly for staying away from your poor activities because it helps you keep moving.

Life tip

The best way to give up damaging practices in your life is by controlling your mindset. You can take care of your mind by meditating regularly. Meditation increases your focus and concentration power.

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