Money is not power and everything in life

money is not power and everything in life

Money is important, but it should not cross the limits. Although money is not power and everything, it has become the focal point of our life. The entire world has become a business land. Every single thing on this planet has turned into a commercial.

Humanness is fading from the face of the earth. Everyone is losing their sense of kindness. Very few people place higher respect on humans than on currency. Even those folks will vanish in some years.

Why is humanity important? What is the purpose of it?

The importance of humanity is so vast that it can defeat all problems. The purpose of it is there in all fields. There is no field on this planet without humankind.

What happens when kindness dies?

The death of humanity will have an impact on this world. No field can exist on this planet without humankind. There will be no peace, and the fights will increase. Paper notes changes everything. Everyone will start killing each other just for the sake of it. In simple words, we can say our lives will be tough.

Will the death of kindness be a reality in this world?

No, it will not be a reality on earth because our lives are dynamic that have good and bad things. Our feelings keep changing now and then. Today, if we feel wealth is important. Tomorrow we might think money is not everything, but humanness is. As life becomes difficult, humanness will increase, and wealth will lose its significance.
-> Few people want to be famous by helping others.
-> The individuals will involve in social activities at least to show off.
-> Few individuals get involved in social service from their heart because of the bad experiences they had faced in their life.
-> Some fight for the sake of humankind. Only they will remain in history.

Remember, if we get anything for free, it will lose its value as we are getting it without struggling. We have no idea how much work and time went into making it. We discovered the currency to create awareness concerning supplies. But even after that, we are wasting them unnecessarily. We haven't learned from our mistakes.

The basic ideology of business is paying cash for a thing. It is like paying respect to the person who has spent his time and energy to create it. We start giving value to a thing when we pay for it because we should also spend our time and energy to earn that hard cash. The business has become paper notes in today's generation, not the quality of service. The quality of service on things is decreasing, but their value is increasing day by day. Slowly this will change. The importance of money in our lives will decrease as the resources on earth decrease. It was about paper notes, is about it, will be about it. It will continue till enough resources are available.

Life tip

Money is not power and everything in life when the resources get depleted.

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