Half-baked intellectuals vs intellectuals life

half-baked intellectuals vs intellectuals life

Difference between half-baked intellectuals and intellectuals life.

Who are called half-baked?

People who are half-educated, half matured, half-aware, half-planning, etc.

What does an intellectuals life mean?

People having complete details on a particular topic, a positive outlook, the ability to prepare effectively, who can plan appropriately, and problem-solving.

Most of them are working in government, civil service, business, the media, and education. We can't make them change their minds even if we expose them to authentic information as they think and respond in a certain way. A demoralized person is unable to access factual information. The facts are nothing to them. They are not going to believe us if we shower them with facts and proper evidence in the form of documents and photographs. They will not realize the reality unless they are about to get a blow in their fat bottom when a military boot crashes their balls.

Half-baked intellectuals vs intellectuals life.

Ramesh(Raam) and Suresh(Surr) are brothers. They are fighting regarding the public washrooms.

Ramesh: The ruling authority is asking for votes indirectly in the name of washrooms. They built public restrooms and are using them as their political mileage. How can they stoop so low?

Suresh: They did not go out looking for votes. Do not misunderstand. They said that the previous administration, which ruled the country, did not even construct decent emergency washrooms. They argued that if the previous government could not offer the proper basic facilities to citizens, what is the assurance they would improve the country?

Ramesh: No, the current administration intends to ask for votes by building toilets. They are bragging about it day and night.

Suresh: Arrey, building toilets is a basic necessity required for the country. Assume that we both and our mother are in the middle of the city going in a car a long way from our house. Suddenly our mother feels like going to the toilet. Would we suggest her find a vacant spot to relieve herself, or will we seek out a public restroom? The first thing that comes to our mind is restrooms. If we do not get any, we will get angry and rant about what the ruling government is doing. They could not even build emergency toilets for citizens. What were they doing all these years?

Raam: Will be quiet as he does not know what to answer.

Surr: What did we understand by this? We will realize this only when it happens to us personally.

A small amount of knowledge can deceive someone into believing they are more knowledgeable than they are, leading to blunders. It is easier to make the individual understand who does not know anything than the individual who is half aware of them. Most of the individuals on this planet are those who project themselves that they know everything, but when we give some tasks, they can't finish them properly.

Life tip

Individuals with half of the information are more dangerous than individuals with no knowledge in their life.

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