Best strategic daily life skill management

best strategic daily life skill management

The cockroach theory is an insect theory. It is the best strategic daily life skill management for people who do not know to reply peacefully and correctly. It is a beautiful way to understand human existence.

In a restaurant, a group of ladies were having food. Suddenly a cockroach appeared out of nowhere and landed on a lady's shoulder. The lady began screaming out of fear. She began leaping, both hands furiously attempting to get rid of the cockroach with a panic-stricken face and shaking voice. Everyone in her group became nervous as a result of her reaction. The lady finally got the insect to flee, but it landed on another woman in the group. The other lady sitting next to that woman started screaming, and the drama continued.

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue. The insect landed on his shirt in the relay of tossing. He maintained his composure and observed the activity of the bug on his shirt. When he felt he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and threw it out of the restaurant.

Who was responsible for their drama? Was the bug responsible for their dramatic behavior? If so, then why did the waiter not get disturbed? How come he managed things perfectly without causing any havoc!! 

The disturbance to the ladies was not because of the bug. It was because of their inability to handle the interruption caused by it.

The waiter responded to the cockroach, but the woman reacted. Usually, the reactions are made without thinking about them. They are always impulsive, but the responses are always well-considered answers. It is the reaction to the problem that creates chaos.

Happiness is not because everything in our life is right. An individual can be happy when his attitude towards everything is right.

It is not the traffic jams on the road, shouting of fathers, shouting of bosses, or shouting of wives that disturbs us, but it is our inability to handle the disturbances caused by these scenarios.

The ability to respond effectively is the best strategic daily life skill management that most people lack. It brings calm and peace once after mastering it. If an individual responds appropriately, he can achieve anything. Instead of responding to the scenario, the majority of people react. A peaceful response is strong, confident, powerful, and effective.

Most of the successful individuals are good observers and good responders. They handle things easily without panic.

How to enhance our response skills?

How to transform painful reactions into peaceful responses?

One of the best strategies to improve our response skills is to meditate. Meditation helps to control our minds and anger. It keeps the mind in check. It allows us to think peacefully in our worst situations.

Buddha used to reply peacefully. He never used to react to any of his worst situations. He learnt the skill of responding through meditation.

Life tip

90% of the humans on this planet react instead of responding to their life situations. We should always respond.

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