Money is important and everything in life

money is important and everything in life

The most powerful dettol on this planet is money. The honey belongs to the person who has that dettol. It is all about currency notes, fame, and sex on this planet. Whether it's boy or girl, both genders think the same way. It was never about society and people. In the olden days, it was everything, today also money is important and everything, in future also it will be everything in life.

The kings used to lure girls by giving cash and gold coins in the olden days.
It is ridiculous girls fall for a guy's bike, car, phone, or dress. These females don't even check whether the car, bike, or phone belongs to that guy.

If a guy is rich, some ladies are unconcerned with his appearance or background. Even if he is black, they will be ok with him, but if he is not wealthy, the girl will tell him to go and look at his face in the mirror.

Many people get into politics because they can become rich without struggling.
Some heroines sleep with politicians and their children, rich dons for the sake of wealth, to enjoy luxurious life. They do not bother about the age of the person with whom they sleep.

A merchant will never sell products to just one person. So beware of individuals who try to sell themselves just for the sake of currency notes.

We call these types of ladies gold diggers.

Who are gold diggers?

The ladies who aspire to create connections with others solely to extract some wealth from them.

Most of the girls are only concerned with status. Not everyone, we are telling few.

A woman's faithfulness is tested while her man has nothing. A man's faithfulness is tested while he has every single thing.

Few individuals only think of their status. They want to be at the top all the time. Their status comes into play wherever they go. Their goal is to preserve a positive social image, which is always monetary in their eyes.

If a woman works hard, a wealthy man is a bonus, not a stepping stone to the next level in their life.

Money is important and everything because one can buy anything from it. If he is financially strong, he can break the rules. He can buy happiness, people, food, health care, time, sleep, clothes, footwear, house, vehicles, aircraft, sex, fame, etc.,

Employees are getting paid because the employer wants the employees time to work on the employer's project. Is there anyone who works for free?

An individual can rest at home always without working if he is financially strong.

To help others, an individual needs to have funds. When he is weak financially, how will he help others?

Parents will treat rudely when their children do not have or earn money.

Money is not everything is just a fake narrative. In reality, it is every single thing.

Life tip

Currency notes will lose their importance in everybody's life when the planet earth runs out of resources.

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