Biggest regrets of our life when dying

biggest regrets of our life when dying

Most humans die with so many regrets. They will not be able to achieve what they had thought off. According to statistics, 90% of people live their lives and then die with sorrow. People on their deathbed's number one regret is that they wish they had led a life that was true to themselves rather than what others expected of them. Allow that to soak in for a moment. We have compiled some biggest regrets of our life when dying.

1. Not starting or having own business - Most humans want to have their own business. But they fail to build one. An individual's children will also benefit if an individual starts a business. Instead of working for someone else, his children can run their businesses.

2. Not having a healthy body - Most humans have too many health issues. They will not have a healthy lifestyle, which will result in numerous health problems. Everything goes wrong when the health goes wrong. The funds saved for the future will get exhausted fully.

3. Not saving for retirement - Due to many reasons, the funds kept for retirement will get exhausted. It will also become difficult for someone to live on this planet after retirement. A person cannot work in old age to generate money because they lack the energy to do so.

4. Not investing in stocks/real estate - It is necessary to build the assets. To build assets, one needs to invest their money in the right place. If not, it will become difficult for an individual. Land and gold, for example, are more valuable than a job. So learn to grow money by building assets.

5. Not spending time with the family - We are in a fast living world where we do not have enough time to spend with our family and children. 
Families today spend less quality time together, which contributes to poor youth development, weak family fitness, and a lack of communication and trust within the closed ones.

6. If a person fails to explain his feelings, it leads to misunderstandings, causing the relationship to suffer. It can be any relationship. He will lose everyone and eventually become alone in the end.
There will be some bad situations in everyone's existence where we get distanced from our close ones resulting in depression.

7. Not doing what we love - This is the intense sorrow that everyone has. Everyone wants to live as they want, but nature does not support them. It has its way of directing the world. An individual rarely lives as per his thoughts which is very rare. Maybe 1 in millions.

An old age person cannot change anything as he is already aged, but the youths still have a chance to make their existence better.

The source of our grief in old age is because of steps we took while young. Youths believe that they should enjoy their lives while they are young. They forget to think about the future while enjoying themselves.

Sometimes we make wrong decisions that lead to dying with regrets. There might be a few more biggest regrets of our life when dying. We will try to cover them in some other posts.

Life tip

In life, we will only regret the chances we did not take.

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