Three important problems of your life

three important problems of your life

The three important problems in your life are:
1. Kitchen
The kitchen is the center of the house and serves as more than just a place to prepare food. It is also called the powerhouse. Our mothers and wives do not just provide meals. They also prepare the glue that holds the family together. Earlier, it used to be a room in the house, but now just a slab in a corner. The family will break once this property gets destroyed, and that is already happening. Many of us have outsourced it to online food delivery systems. Cooking at home has become painful and not a sign of status. We are becoming lazy. It will eventually take us to the doctor even if we are healthy today.

Please refrain from citing that you have no time as an excuse. It can happen if you want to do it.

2. Stomach
Any sincere doctor, especially one who practices ayurveda, will tell you that if you keep your stomach healthy and clean, you can eliminate 90% of your illnesses. The truth is that you will be alright until it is in good shape. Now that your kitchen has been outsourced, you first destroy your family before destroying your stomach. A sizable sick population will be present in next 20 years.

3. Education
In the past, there was no tuition, coaching, or high-tech learning centers. Children were provided full-time childcare by their mother and father and two hours of study each day. Additionally, they never pressured their children to pursue careers as doctors, engineers, etc. They merely gave them the freedom to pursue their passions. The outcomes were positive. Today, you see even people go for tuition for a grade 1. Why?

The education mafia becomes active when parents place other priorities above their kids, when they dictate what they should become or study, and while paying for their kid's school or college becomes a status symbol. Therefore do not blame schools, universities, or online education. They are a successful business because of our stupidity.

So, what is the core of all three important problems in your life?
The problem starts with the parents. The rat race for money and social status is killing the next generation. Teenage girls compassion is being destroyed by feminism.

Why can't the parents
a. cook a meal at home and eat it together?
b. prepare a fresh meal at home and eat a healthy diet?
c. teach their children?
Why do kids need a phone and a tv?

Every gesture, word, and action of the mother and father will impact their child. The best role models for them are their mother and father. They will learn valuable life lessons from how mothers and fathers respond to the above circumstances. The parent is the most powerful external force that can affect a child.

Learning to love the other parent enough to put the kids first is perhaps one of the hardest tasks any parent may face.

Life tip

Parenting is a lifetime commitment that does not end when a child grows up.

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